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Club History

Dave Unwin’s account of the club’s origin in the Boy Scout Movement in Leicester in 1951 and the first quarter-century of its history to 1976 is HERE

An account of the years from 1977 to 2001 is currently being developed.


Nowadays we are flooded with photos from phones, helmet cams, etc. But cameras were few and far between in the 1970's, especially ones that could be used on a climb. It was probably about the earliest that cameras were small enough to actually stick on a pocket. A few of the pictures from club around this time have been shared with us by Chris Hardwick.

Also, thanks to Brian Manton we have a video from the early 70's of a group of club members climbing at Raven Tor:


                                         Ray Dring and Paul Parker ‘relax’ at Aber Falls after a fast crossing of the Welsh 3000s in 1979

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