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Come and join the adventure! 

Who we are...

“The Bowline Climbing Club” is an active, diverse and friendly Midlands-based club; whilst we have climbing in our title, members enjoy a wide range of outdoor activities including mountain biking, mountaineering, skiing, bouldering and more. Whether you’re an experienced expert, weekend amateur or just want to try a new mountain sport for size we probably have something for you!

What we do...

Most weekends club members go climbing or MTBing in the Peak. We also host weekend, family and holiday club meets further afield in the UK and beyond.  During the week we hold Tuesday evening bouldering meets at The Climbing Station in Loughborough, occasionally at the Warwick University Climbing Wall or outdoors if the weather is good enough and it’s still light!  Importantly we welcome members of all skill levels, from curious newcomers to hardened mountaineers.

Why join...

We’ve a range of great value membership categories catering for singles, couples and families.  Membership benefits include discounted accommodation rates at our club hut in Snowdonia, as well as reciprocal use of the Barrow Mountaineering & Ski Club hut in the Lake District and the Rugby Mountaineering Club hut in Snowdonia. Members also have access to the club’s supply of equipment, can join the occasional training courses we organise and enjoy the benefits of membership of the British Mountaineering Council.

If you think you’d find any of this fun we hope you’ll want to join.  To find out more about what we do and how to join, please get in touch with our Membership Secretary, Chris Hardwick via Or you can contact our club Chairman Chris Brumby via

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